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Chapter: Chicago /
Pro Type: Photographer

Michael Canavan and Ashlley Duarte are a multi-cultural married visual creative team. Canduarte doing both stills and motion produces unique, custom tailored visual solutions. This visual duo brings different perspectives and outlooks of life from their upbringing with Ashlley being born in Managua, Nicaragua but raised in the U.S. and Michael raised in Chicago. Their strong compatibility as a visual creative team is evidenced by the synchronicity displayed when working professionally on a project together. Ashlley and Michael perfected their careers in photography and motion by both freelancing while being in college to now. Their dedication and hard work in perfecting their craft have made them good visual collaborators not only with each other but with clients as well. From directing to lighting to narrative they are able to execute a project to each clients needs. The cultural diversification and strong personal bond brings Canduarte's positive, fun, and inspiring energy to each project.

Canduarte has won four honorable mentions from IPA (International Photography Awards) in 2022.