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Copyright Group Registration Survey

Thu 12th Jan, 2017

Survey now Closed

Deadline - Monday January 23rd. Midnight

The Copyright Office is conducting a review of group copyright registration requirements. 

They are considering limiting the number of images that can be registered at one time to 750. 

The visual associations are working together to respond to this inquiry and data from you will help make our case. 

We are looking to gather information from professional photographers regarding the number of images you typically shoot and potentially need to register

(we realize that many of you do not currently register your images regularly, so this is asking how many you might need to register if you were to do so)

By answering this survey, we will help preserve your needs in the copyright registration process. Also, an understanding of what would need to change in order for you to register more often or effectively. 

Please complete this survey by midnight EST Monday, January 23, 2017.

We welcome additional comments about your experience registering images.
You may also respond directly to the Copyright Office inquiry.

34908Copyright Group Registration Survey

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