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APA LA Off The Clock 2024 Exhibit Gallery

Fri 02nd Aug, 2024


This gallery presents the 100 original works selected by this year's curator, George Kocis, Director and Partner at Staley-Wise Gallery.

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Below are the three Best In Show selections chosen.

Conceptual photograph of a colorful out of focus landscape

George Craig: Land Swells
"The landscape whether or not it is on a commercial shoot location or just a view from home, has always played a part in my photographic process. Static images do reveal more information about the photograph, however with a bit of intentional camera movement, I get just the enough of increased dimension to give the photograph more of a 3 dimensional look, and takes it steps closer to a painterly image. Land Swells was a springtime landscape pan looking towards the distant hills with budding green trees and yellow tall grasses in the foreground...1/2 second exposure."

Black and white portrait of a young boy with his back to the camera

Raymond Alva: Grow, Levi 2023
"This photo comes from a larger personal project titled, "Grow". It's about being a child, growing up, and watching someone do the same. We are always growing in some way and learning something new. It’s a constant cycle that never seems to end. This project was inspired by my Nephew, Levi (pictured here). I've documented his whole life so far from a journalistic standpoint. This photo however comes from my first studio session with him."

Conceptual photograph of broken eggs

Zuania Muñiz-Meléndez: Culture as a space for relationships and self-realization.
"In nature, life is created out of necessity. Birds build nests for shelter, and spiders make their webs for sustenance. However, humanity will often create beyond the basic need for survival, resulting in cultural expression beyond necessity.

Culture is not just entertainment; it's a fundamental human need. It is a social connector that provides space for community, self-expression, and a sense of belonging. It acts as a shield against isolation, depression, and anxiety, empowering us to navigate new realities.

In this piece, the hands, representing humanity, hold the golden ball of culture. Creativity becomes a powerful force, and culture provides us space to relate to others, fulfill our needs for social interactions, and fully express our humanity. Below, we have a blanket cradling three open eggs. The blanket symbolizes a haven, a nurturing space where potential can flourish. The open eggs represent life and a fragile existence made stronger by its connection to culture."

Complete list of Off The Clock 2024 photographers selected:

  1. Aaron C Packard
  2. Amani Sodiq
  3. Amy Gaskin
  4. Anthony Avellano
  5. Art Streiber
  6. Beth Galton
  7. Brendan North
  8. Cameron Davidson
  9. Carl Shubs
  10. Caroline Brodt
  11. Chris Sorensen
  12. Christopher Malcolm
  13. Darcy Rogers
  14. David Fouts
  15. David Paul Schmit
  16. Dennis Welsh
  17. Diana Feil
  18. Eli Meir Kaplan
  19. Elizabeth Holmes
  20. Ellen Friedlander
  21. Erwin More
  22. Fernando Decillis
  23. Forrest Pittard
  24. George Craig
  25. Gianmaria Schonlieb
  26. Hanad Ali
  27. Jack Conley
  28. Jeff Bynum
  29. Jennifer Silverberg
  30. Jens Lucking
  31. Joelle Grace Taylor
  32. John Blais
  33. John E. Kelly
  34. Julie Fowells
  35. Jyotsna Bhamidipati
  36. Kimberly Maroon
  37. Kristi Neilson
  38. Laurie Frankel
  39. Lindsay Siu
  40. Lisa Wiseman
  41. Margaret Lampert
  42. Margo Moritz
  43. María Troncoso de Gibbs
  44. Markku Lahdesmaki
  45. Matthew Karas
  46. Meg Webster
  47. Michael Schoenfeld
  48. Michelle Terris
  49. Mickey Strider
  50. Miranda Penn Turin
  51. Nele Liedel
  52. Nicholas Duers
  53. Nicolas Bates
  54. Nina Menconi
  55. Patrice Fisher
  56. Patricia Fortlage
  57. Peter Samuels
  58. Poul Lange
  59. Raymond Alva
  60. Rebecca Peloquin
  61. Robert David Atkinson
  62. Sally Montana
  63. Sami Drasin
  64. Shawna Gibbs
  65. Sonya Bowman
  66. Stephanie Shih
  67. Steve Widoff
  68. Steven Brooks
  69. Steven Simko
  70. Tobias Meier
  71. Toma Kostygina
  72. Zuania Muñiz-Meléndez

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