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APA Chicago: An evening with Marcus Smith

Tue 11th Feb, 2020 – 7:00pm–8:30pm

By Steve Brooks in Chicago
Marcus Smith directing a motion assignment for Nike

Dzana Tsomondo writing a feature for Commarts, describes Smith’s creative brilliance this way, “Smith’s sports photography is intimate and physical, images so candid they almost seem like casual snapshots. But the composition and technique is unmistakable.” Later in the same article Smith is quoted that working as an assistant for Gary Land gave him the tools to succeed in commercial photography, “Working with Gary was my introduction into the business of advertising photography. It wasn’t really the technical [aspects] I learned, it was how to interact with people, what clients are expecting, and how to go above and beyond to make clients happy.”

APA Chicago is excited to host Chicago born Photographer and Director Marcus Smith at Columbia College for an evening where he will share lessons learned to help you push your creative boundaries. According to a recent study from Omnicore 95+ million photos are shared on Instagram daily. Marcus will discuss his technique to compartmentalize the bombardment of social media imagery and find the way to shoot your own shot. He will also dispense practical advice he’s found effective in overcoming the fear of failure. And last (but not least), Smith will highlight the importance of taking time to enjoy the journey.

6:30P—Doors open
7:00P—Event begins
8:30P—Event ends

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Marcus Smith image by Paul Elledge

About Marcus Smith
Marcus traces back much of his blistering creative talent to his childhood in Chicago. A keen athlete, he would go on to become one of the most in-demand sports photographers working today.

His early love of coloring books shaped his confident use of light and distinctive color palette. And as a nine-year-old, he would hire his drawing skills out to his classmates, an early example of his hustle. Marcus studied Business Economics, and it was in college he first became interested in photography, shooting his musician friends. On graduating, he followed his creative instincts, albeit with a savvy sense of supply and demand from his studies.

He describes himself as a chameleon, able to adapt his style to both an intimate one-on-one shoot and a full-scale ad production. He likes to over-prepare in advance, but on set, he is reactive, finding the real and the stripped-back shot in even staged scenarios. Shooting local high school sports teams, he developed a raw, authentic look that stood out from the comic-book superhero style that was then in fashion. He was ahead of the curve and has gone on to shoot superstars like Serena Williams, LeBron James, and Kobe Bryant’s end-of-an-era retirement campaign for Nike.

Communication Arts 55 Feature
American Photography 32
PDN’s 30 2014
Communication Arts Photo Annual 2014
PDN Photo Annual 2013, 2014

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