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APA Chicago: Critique Night

Wed 19th Feb, 2020 – 7:00pm–9:30pm

By APA Admin in Chicago

This event is open to all photographers looking to present new work to the community and to all others that want to attend. APA's Critique night is a safe and friendly environment based on mutual respect where like-minded photographers can present their work to get great feedback from others in the field including, teachers, commercial and fine art photographers. Peer review is an opportunity to get your work in front of your colleagues to further your projects, keep your ideas growing, and push your creativity further.

Here's how it works:

Work can be a personal project or anything related to a particular project, artist statement, leave-behinds, book design, etc.
Exhibit work on laptops/iPads, prints on the table, photographs tacked to the wall or projector.
Space is limited, accepting up to five (5) artists showing work for 20 minutes each. The event is open to all people looking to connect with the photography community.

To register to present your work

Send an email to Kourtney Sellers at with the subject line APA Critique Night. Include a one-sentence description of the project or work you'd like to present and send up to five preliminary photos of 1200 pixels wide, and the kind of feedback needed. Please submit by February 14.

Email to sign-up or if you any questions.

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