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APA Chicago—Virtual Training Make Them Want More

Wed 15th Jul, 2020 – Wed 15th Jul, 2020

By APA Chicago in Chicago

Presenting with Purpose branding


The lifeblood of your photography business is presenting your portfolio to new prospects. Let's face it—the upfront time it takes to secure a new business meeting is substantial. The process starts with researching qualified prospects, acquiring the name of the decision-maker, cold-calling and emailing for an appointment, hearing crickets, cold-calling and emailing again. The process is difficult and can be demoralizing—and then you land a meeting, which makes it all worthwhile. If you are like most photographers, after investing substantial human capital in getting the meeting, you arrive and "show" your work. There's a better way.

Make it Count

We've teamed up with renowned Dale Carnegie trainer Bill Soddy to explore and practice techniques that will help you sell yourself, when minutes count, in a concise and engaging way that makes them want more. You will also learn:

  • A bullet-proof method to make conversations more interesting
  • Master techniques that will help you make an immediate connection
  • Translate your skills in a way that will strike a nerve with buyers
  • Learn to differentiate you from your competition
  • And, much more

$35: General Public
$20: APA Members at the Associate, Supporter, or Contributor level
Free: APA Members at the Leader or Professional level.

APA members please log in to your APA account (at the top of this page) for discounted ticket pricing. (Need help logging in view this screenshot)

About Bill Soddy
Coaches take people to places they never thought they could go or couldn't figure out how to get there. Bill is a coach in every sense of the word. For the last 20 years, he's been uniquely motivating people to achieve breakthrough performance in their lives and careers—including Creatives and professionals across a wide range of industries. After two decades, he's the proudest of consistently getting feedback that he's fun to work with.

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