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APA DC 2-Part Set Building Workshop (Part 1)

Wed 17th Feb, 2016 – 6:00pm–8:00pm

By Staff in Washington, DC

Join APA-DC for a two-part exploration of set construction and the ways in which focused pre-visualization can expand your creative possibilities, increase your value to clients, and enhance the quality of your photography. Each part covers different subjects, and together they offer a comprehensive introduction to the approach. Join us for one or both!

Part 1 (Presentation)

Part 1 is a presentation showcasing an actual photographic production that is strongly dependent upon pre-visualization and set-construction. In addition to the details of the production itself from beginning to end, an evaluation of the purpose and approach, a case-study comparing alternatives, and a discussion of business implications, return on investment, and pitching such an approach to clients will all be covered. Open Q&A/discussion will follow the formal presentation.

Part 2 (Hands-On Set Construction Workshop)

This part will be held on Sunday, February 21, 2016 from 10am to 6pm, also at HOIST Studio.
Pricing for Part 2 is $65 for APA members (only) and $95 for non-members. Lunch is included. RSVP FOR PART 2 HERE.

For complete information on both parts of this workshop, please visit APA DC's website.

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