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APA DC 2-Part Set Building Workshop (Part 2)

Sun 21st Feb, 2016 – 10:00am–6:00pm

By Staff in Washington, DC

Join APA|DC for a two-part exploration of set construction and the ways in which focused pre-visualization can expand your creative possibilities, increase your value to clients, and enhance the quality of your photography. Each part covers different subjects, and together they offer a comprehensive introduction to the approach. Join us for one or both!

Part 2 (Hands-On Set Construction Workshop)

Part 2 is a full-day, hands-on workshop during which participants will construct the actual set featured in Part 1 and build a warm and exotic beach-themed shoot location… from scratch, indoors, during the winter. It is not a turnkey tutorial, but rather a guided exploration of applied pre-visualization, practical problem solving, and set construction tools and techniques with an emphasis on photography-specific considerations. Participants will experience the implementation of a specific vision, but more importantly, they will also learn about the importance of mindset, and how the underlying approach can be applied in non-conventional ways and places to realize their own unique creative visions. Intended for photographers and assistants who want to cultivate a value-added skill set in order to extend/enhance their creative capabilities in-studio or on location, but don’t quite know where to begin.

Part 1 (Presentation)

This part will be held on Wednesday, February 17, 2016 from 6pm to 8pm, also at HOIST Studio.

For complete information on both parts of this workshop, please visit APA DC's website.

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