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APA DC Instagram For Business

Tue 23rd Feb, 2021 – Tue 23rd Feb, 2021

By Creative Arc

APA|DC presents a panel discussion with 5 influencers, sharing how they leverage Instagram to fuel their professional photography careers.

Love it or hate it, Instagram has become an integral part of a photographer’s marketing and promotional strategy. Whether you’re a regular poster with a decent following or you’re still finding your way on the platform, you probably have questions about how to optimize your time with it.

APA|DC has turned to the experts for answers - a panel of five successful Instagrammers to answer our questions (and yours!), discuss how they developed their followings, and how they generate income through the app.

Our Panelists:

- Jarrett Hendrix @jarrett.hendrix

- Jennifer Chase @thejenchase

- Joshua Cogan @joshuacogan

- Laurie Collins @dccitygirl


We’ll discuss topics including:

- How do they attract followers

- What type of content generates the most interest for them

- How do they schedule posts

- What are the best ways to utilize the stories feature

- Do they register images with copyright office before posting

- When and how they got started on IG

- Do they use any other social media platforms to bolster their reach

Please join us for this free event! 


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