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APA LA & AskSternRep: Navigating the Unknown June 11, 2020

Thu 11th Jun, 2020 – 12:00pm–1:00pm

By APA Admin in Los Angeles

Join APA LA for this Q&A series with Andrea Stern of @AskSternRep as she speaks to different members of the photo community about ways to navigate the new road ahead. 

Thursday June 11h - Episode 5:

• Senior Art Producer/72andSunny - Clarissa Garrett
• Senior Producer/FCB Chicago - Sandra Sanchez​


Andrea Stern:
Andrea Stern is the founder of SternRep, an LA based, boutique agency representing a group of passionate and talented commercial photographers in the product, automotive and lifestyle industries among others. 
She is also the founder of @AskSternRep – a free resource forum for photographers and entrepreneurs. 

Clarissa Garrett:
Clarissa started her path at Team One advertising producing beautiful content for Lexus. After a time freelancing, she landed at Media Arts Lab on Apple. In an intensely creative agency, she helped launch the iPad and was one of the Senior producers for the award winning “Shot on iPhone” - World Gallery campaign. After a few years producing great work for Honda, Clarissa is now at 72and Sunny making great work for Google. In her free time she can be found with her two beautiful children or singing Jazz/Soul in the LA area.

Sandra​ Sanchez:
Sandra Sanchez is an integrated producer at FCB Chicago, specializing in photography/stills/art but learning more and more about motion and broadcast with each passing production! She loves visual storytelling, and partnering with creatives to make great work is what makes her love her job. When she’s not working you can find her in the kitchen trying a new recipe or stretching her sourdough.

Watch previous episodes here

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