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APA LA at Canon: Robert Trachtenberg, Celebrity Photography

Wed 13th Apr, 2016 – 7:00pm–9:00pm

By Staff in Los Angeles

For more than 20 years, in print and advertising, most of Hollywood’s celebrities have been captured by Robert Trachtenberg: come learn from his experience!

Even after 20+years in the profession, celebrity photographer Robert Trachtenberg still can’t speak in a coherent way about anything truly technical. But he can let you in on a truly varied career, and his process as a celebrity photographer creating iconic images - for Rolling Stone, Entertainment Weekly, Esquire, as well as NBC, HBO,  and CBS, among many other clients. He is also a four time Emmy-nominee, winning in 2013 for Outstanding Direction for the PBS American Masters film, Mel Brooks: Make a Noise. A collected book of his men’s portraits, Red-Blooded American Male, will be published this fall. Trachtenberg will (as he puts it) "spin the emotional wheel" about the industry, and the tricky business of image making, in the age of social media and a rapidly changing print landscape.

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