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APA NY Open Talk, Anatomy of Long Term Assignments

Mon 22nd Feb, 2021 – 7:00pm

By Creative Arc


For much of Lou Jones's career, he has pursued complex personal assignments along with his commercial work: death row, Olympics, pregnancy, trade unions, etc. For the past few years, his studio has been traveling to Africa to document all 54+ countries on the continent. Not only is this overwhelmingly difficult but it requires every skill that a photographer can muster. 

The mission statement is to illuminate the modern, progressive nature of the countries, one-by-one, & show their unique character in a positive, non-colonialists visual portrait. So I will talk about formulating the concept, logistics, fundraising & boots-on-the-ground. 

I will show the photographs. Show behind the scenes. How we utilized KICKSTARTER to raise money. Harness social media to engage an audience. And how we published the first volume of books to pay for this effort. In a time of COVID where we cannot travel we are still working diligently to advance the project.

Lou Jones website

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