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APA NY Peer Review Virtual Part 2

Sun 05th Apr, 2020 – 12:00pm–1:00pm

By APA Admin in New York

APA NY Peer Review Virtual Part 2

Sunday, April 5th, 12pm EDT

Join us for another Peer Review. Virtual Part 2!

APA New York invites photographers to share in our virtual peer review. Here's how it works:
- First 10 people to submit will have their work reviewed
Please submit by Saturday April 4th 12pm EDT
- Each person submits up to 10 digital files to the Dropbox link:
- Files should be JPEG and no larger than 2MB in size. Please make sure you rename your images: Peer_Review_(order # 1-10)
- The moderator will presents the images through the webinar with each person remaining anonymous and then revealing themselves to talk about their series/submission
- We critique the photos honestly and with constructive criticism
- Each series is limited to 15 minutes
The webinar link will be sent upon ZOOM Registration

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