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APA NY Presents Katrin Eismann 2020

Thu 21st Jan, 2021 – 7:00pm–8:00pm

By Creative Arc

2020 was a year we will never forget as it stretched endlessly with COVID, divisive politics, and racial realities coming to a tumultuous head. And for many, 2020 was a year that demanded productivity and creativity within the constraints of our homes as we locked down again and again. For our speaker, Katrin Eismann 2020 started with a whirlwind of travel and ended with her crawling through the Michigan winter weeds at sunrise. Katrin will share three bodies of work from 2020 and will show how she uses Adobe Lightroom to capture, process, and share her images no matter where she is in the world.

Katrin Eismann is an internationally respected artist, teacher, and author specializing in digital photography, imaging software, and the impact of emerging technologies upon professional photographers, artists, and educators. Currently, she works for Adobe Systems as Product Manager of Engagement specializing in leading-edge education and community development. Katrin speaks German & English and has taught and presented throughout Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, and North America. Katrin is also a Sony Artisan of Imagery.

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