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APA New York Portfolio Review

Tue 21st Apr, 2015 – 6:00pm–9:00pm

By Staff in New York

Kristen Walsh from mcgarrybowen leads an all-star line-up of portfolio reviewers.

It’s Time – Let’s Get Your Work Out There.

APA New York has assembled an all-star line-up of reviewers. This is your chance to get up close and personal with gatekeepers to the creative department. Do your homework and treat this as an interview. You'll have 15-minutes with your hand-selected art buyer, so make the best of your time. Get educated regarding your chosen art buyer: review their firms website, investigate their LinkedIn page, and if you're an over-achiever commit some of this information to memory. This is your chance to go big and get invited to pitch new business. The reviewers are:

Looking to meet with or be signed by an artist representative? This is your chance to get your portfolio evaulated and speak with leading agents that are looking to add new talent to their roster.

To see full list of reviewers:  APA New York
(Reviewers subject to change)

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