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APA San Francisco Virtual SET: Peer Website Reviews

Tue 08th Feb, 2022 – Tue 08th Feb, 2022

By APA Admin in San Francisco

APA SF Virtual SET: Peer Website Reviews

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The beginning of the year is often known as a fresh start, a time to rethink and refresh. For many of us that includes a website edit. But, since we have seen the images on our site countless times it’s not always the easiest to make decisions about what should stay and what should go.

There are many ways to approach editing a site. We can pay a consultant or we can get the advice of our colleagues and/or a mentor. Either way it requires a sense of direction for where we want our work to go and what types of clients we want to attract based on our career goals. Do we want our subject matter to be more general so we can attract a wide variety of clients or more specialized to attract a particular type of client?

For February’s SET we will get together and hear different ways people are approaching website edits and have a chance to get feedback on our own sites. We will begin the evening with a review of one photographer’s site to get us warmed up, then jump into breakout rooms where we can share where we are at and get feedback in a smaller group setting.

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