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APA Scope - The Space Between

Mon 18th Apr, 2022 – Mon 18th Apr, 2022

By Creative Arc in Diversity & Inclusion

APA SCOPE Monthly Conversation on Diversity & Inclusion | The Space Between

Moderated by Martine Séverin, Chair APA Diversity Committee

Guest - Séan Alonzo Harris

Portland, Maine Photographer Séan Alonzo Harris shares with us his images from his past exhibition of street photography which confronts and questions the assumptions we hold about overlooked members of our communities.

“My images bear witness to the often invisible or overlooked members of our communities. I create portraits as a means to confront and question cultural and racial assumptions, stereotypes and fears, and to provide a counter-image and counter-narrative of self-worth and personal agency. The Space Between is a proclamation of radical inclusivity, an invitation to see differently and transform our images and perceptions of others. The photographic document serves to engage the critical issues of race and representation and to make visible the varied, full humanity and expansive beauty of black and brown people.”

Séan Alonzo Harris

Séan’s photographic education began in his childhood and runs through the Art Institute of Boston, studies abroad in Italy and closer to home at Maine Media Workshops. He established his career in commercial, fine art and editorial photography in Maine, Boston and New York.

©Séan Alonzo Harris

Séan works with a broad range of editorial, educational  and corporate clients including Mother Jones,  LL Bean, J.P. Morgan Chase and Cathay Pacific Airline to name a few. His professional practice includes teaching at Maine Media Workshops and collaborative, community-driven projects with nonprofit organizations.

He has received multiple grants and awards from the Maine Arts Commission, a formal proclamation from the 121st Maine Legislature in recognition of his work and was named by Maine Magazine as one of the “60 Most Collectible Artists in Maine."

©Séan Alonzo Harris

Séan’s work is marked by a fine art sensibility and an emphasis on environmental portraits. His creative process draws from a wide range of photographic traditions and methods and is driven by an authentic connection to his subjects and clients. He’s genuinely curious about peoples’ lives and the experiences that shape their world.  

Martine Séverin

Martine Séverin is a Chicago + LA based lifestyle, advertising and editorial photographer whose vibrant work aims to push boundaries and celebrate inclusivity.

She’s worked with clients around the world, including France, Belgium, England and Boston. Martine credits her love of color and diversity to her home country of Haiti.

Interested in creating narratives that reference non-western norms, she strives to collaborate with brands who speak to a diverse audience.

Martine is also the host of the podcast, This is How We Create a show that digs deeper into the creative life of contemporary artists of color.

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