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APA SF | Attract Your Dream Clients

Mon 11th Mar, 2024 – Mon 11th Mar, 2024

By APA Admin in San Francisco

Are you feeling frustrated because your dream clients aren't noticing you? Have you ever wondered what photo directors think when they're selecting photographers? Your website is super important for marketing yourself, and it can either attract or push away potential clients. Let's uncover the secrets and learn how to position yourself for success! Join us as our experienced photo director explores the minds of photo directors, and shares valuable tips and tricks to make your website look amazing.

In place of our usual Second Experimental Tuesday "SET" Events, we are delighted to hold this webinar led by Photo Director Karen Williams AKA Black Visual Queen and APA SF Chair Edwin Vargas.

What to expect:

As we gather via Zoom, Karen will provide an insiders look at the perspective of a Photo Director, sharing details about the selection process, tips for a knockout website and the power of personalization and research.

This event is a FREE

Please register in advance.

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