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APA SF SET (Second Experimental Tuesday) Inclusivity in Practice Jan 12, 2021

Tue 12th Jan, 2021 – 6:30pm

By APA Admin in San Francisco

APA San Francisco

SET (Second Experimental Tuesday)

Inclusivity in Practice : Welcoming the New Normal 

Description : To kick off a new year of SET events, please join us to continue an open discussion around the actions we can take as individuals and as a community to practice anti-racism and inclusivity.

Come with your own actionable ideas to contribute to the conversation or come to listen - all voices are welcome.

Take Aways

• Explore a new normal based upon awareness and inclusivity.

• Define actions we can take to support and grow the diversity of our chapter.

• Collectively un-learn unconscious patterns and biases. 

Wishing you all a happy new year and looking forward to seeing you at SET.

This is a free event so forward along to your industry connections and help us educate and strengthen our community.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021   6:30 PM Pacific Time

Register in advance for this Zoom meeting, here

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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