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APA SF’s Annual Portfolio Review 3.16.15

Mon 16th Mar, 2015 – 6:00pm–10:00pm

By Creative Arc in San Francisco
This event is now sold out

APA SF Annual Photographer Members Only Portfolio Review

Meet potential new clients; show them your finest work.

MONDAY, MARCH 16, 2015
6:00 to 10:00 PM

$150 for three, 15 minute Reviews, and admission to the exclusive Private Party with the Reviewers from 9 to 10 PM.

THIS PORTFOLIO REVIEW EVENT IS ONLY FOR: APA Leader, APA Professional, and APA Associate Members

American Photographic Artists, San Francisco presents a very special opportunity for APA Photographer Members to meet one-on-one, face-to-face, with insightful and influential Reviewers. This is no ordinary review event at a studio - it’s an exclusive private party just for Pro Photographers and Creatives.

We're currently lining up an impressive list of world-class Creatives, Agents, Photo Editors and Curators. You choose three Reviewers to meet with, to help you refine your portfolio, and advance your career. In each 15 minute appointment, you'll be able to show what you do and who you are, and the reviewer will be able to offer you real-world feedback. You can present your finest work on your pad or laptop if you prefer.

We’ve again booked it at the impressive 111 Minna Gallery, around the corner from SFMOMA, and there will be an exclusive, no-host-bar Cocktail Hour at the end of the event, so you can all get to know each other, and begin the collaborative creative process. Unlike other Portfolio Reviews, every photographer member attending will have the opportunity to meet and talk with nearly ALL of the Reviewers during the exclusive Private Party from 9 to 10 PM.

This event sold out in about two days the last few years.

Your Reviewer choices will be based upon the order in which your Reviewer Choice lists are received.


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