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Creators Conference

Wed 11th May, 2022 – Wed 11th May, 2022

By Creative Arc

Creators Conference, May 11, 2022

Creators and Their Advocates on How Creatives Are Being Taken Advantage of and What They Can Do About It​

Free  – Attend Any or All Panels at No Cost!

11 am – 12:30 pm ET
(10 am CT, 9 am MT, 8 am PT)
Working for free/paying to work:
Contests, crowdsourcing, and publishing platforms
The ways in which creators are asked to work for free abound, from contests to hiring homework to publishing and crowdsourcing platforms. What do we need to look out for, and how can we push back against these practices?

Panelists: Francesca Khalifa (Music Workers Alliance), Rona Siddiqui (Dramatists Guild), Johnathon Strebly (International Council of Design)

Moderator: Umair Kazi (Authors Guild)

Register for PANEL 1

1:30 – 3 pm ET
(12:30 pm CT, 11:30 am MT, 10:30 am PT)
Contracts and terms:
The unethical, the unenforceable, and the unavoidable
Creative professionals are often bound by client-supplied contracts, and publishing platforms require standardized contracts. Be aware of terms such as work-made-for-hire language, wage skimming, and non-compete clauses.

Panelists: Daniel Abraham (Graphic Artists Guild), Francesca Khalifa (Music Workers Alliance), Thomas Maddrey (American Society of Media Photographers), Ralph Sevush (Dramatists Guild)

Moderator: Umair Kazi (Authors Guild)

Register for PANEL 2

4 – 5:30 pm ET
(3 pm CT, 2 pm MT, 1 pm PT)
Copyrights and Rights Grabs:
How your work is taken, and how you can protect your rights
Infringers utilize ingenious ways to steal our work, while companies openly engage in rights grabs. What can we do individually, and what can we do collectively to advocate for policy changes, to protect ourselves against rights grabs?

Panelists: Daniel Abraham (Graphic Artists Guild), Edward Hasbrouck (National Writers Union), Stephen Doniger (American Photographic Artists)

Moderator: Thomas Maddrey (American Society of Media Photographers)

Register for PANEL 3

Creators Conference is made possible by the participation of: American Photographic Artists, American Society of Media Photographers, The Authors Guild, Dramatists Guild, Graphic Artists Guild, International Council of Design, Music Workers Alliance, National Writers Union, and Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America

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