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What’s it Like to Shoot Bands Like Kiss? Chris and Todd Owyoung Share Their Experiences.

Mon 15th Dec, 2014 – 7:00pm–8:00pm

By Staff in New York

When Chris and Todd started taking their cameras to concerts in 2006, neither of them dreamed that the combination of two separate passions – music and photography – would lead them to projects with some of the biggest names in the industry.

© The Browyoung Brothers

Whether working with brands like Red Bull and Anheuser-Busch to capture signature events, on assignment for Rolling Stone and Q Magazine, or on tour with acts like Jason Aldean and Jewel, this sibling photographic duo (otherwise known as The BrOwyoungs) are known for a unique style that combines commercial precision with the exhilaration of being in the front row.

Keen attention to lighting, exacting composition, and an obsession with nailing rockstar moments defines the photography of the Owyoung brothers. From exclusive club shows or 80,000-capacity arenas, Chris and Todd always strive to create images that make you hear the music and the roar of the crowd.

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