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APA DC | 30 Minutes With Lee Morton

Thu 18th Apr, 2024 – Thu 18th Apr, 2024

By APA Admin in Washington, DC

Join APA | DC as we spend 30 Minutes with director + photographer Lee Morton on Thursday, April 18th at 12pm EST. Lee will share details on a career that has taken him around the world creating still and motion campaigns for major brands. He’ll discuss his approach to these projects and marketing, and how he’s built his team.

This virtual event is free to all APA Members, Future APA Members and Students.

About Lee:

An Enneagram 7, #GirlDad with his High School Sweetheart. 19 Addys later and over 15 years of visual storytelling as a designer, filmmaker, director and photographer - Lee Morton pursues visually driven advertising with heart and authenticity. Adventure is the love language. Shark diving, gazing between tectonic plates, Colorado river dips, Dune racing. Traveling often in pursuit of active lifestyle storytelling woven with adventure and polished with culture.

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