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Members Only Portfolio Review and Private Party at Soho House

Tue 04th Oct, 2016 – 6:30pm–10:30pm

By Staff in Chicago

Soho House hosts this year's Portfolio Reviews & Private Cocktail Party.

Photographer, Greg Heisler discusses the biggest mistake he made in business:

The biggest mistake I made in business - I didn’t really ever appreciate how much it’s a relationship based business, I actually thought photography was a meritocracy, where if your pictures are good that's all that matters. And, I was wrong...

So – what's the one thing, that if you did it more regularly, would have the most positive impact on your career and business? At APA Chicago we believe investing more time building relationships with creative decision-makers will deliver the biggest results for your career. To that end, we've assembled 15 reviewers from agency creative departments to review member portfolios. And, after the Reviews we're having a private cocktail party for photographers to network (i.e. build relationships) with reviewers including an open bar. Getting face time with art producers and creatives is challenging and time consuming so APA Chicago is making the process a little easier. Register for this event and start the relationship building process today.

Agency Reviewers

  1. Liz Miller-Gershfeld, VP, Art Buying Manager, Energy BBDO
  2. Antoinette Rodriguez, Art Producer, Energy BBDO
  3. Laura Laube, Senior Art Buyer, FCB Chicago
  4. Karen Blatchford, Senior Art Buyer, FCB Chicago
  5. Sheryl Long, Art Producer, Havas Worldwide Chicago
  6. Haley Silverman, Associate Art Buyer, Havas Worldwide Chicago
  7. Heidi Ludvik, Art Buyer, Intouch Solutions
  8. Jennifer Byrne, Senior Video Producer, Intouch Solutions
  9. Lisa Kunst, Senior Producer, Leo Burnett USA
  10. Kenneth Zane, Senior Producer, Leo Burnett USA
  11. Maggy Lynch-Hartley, Sr. Content / Art Producer, mcgarrybowen
  12. Christen James, Art Producer, Geometry Global

All Reviewers listed have agreed to review APA member portfolios on October 4 based on their availability. We are in the process of securing the last few reviewers.

How Reviews Work

  • Registered photographers will receive portfolio reviews with their three (3) hand-selected agency buyers/creatives lasting 20 minutes each.
  • On September 21, 2016 registered photographers will receive the final Reviewer list (based on Reviewer availability).
  • Photographers will rank reviewers on a scale of 1-10. Reviewers they most want to meet with will get a 1, 2,3, thru 10.
  • Photographers will return their rankings to APA by Friday, September 23, 2016.
  • APA Chicago will complete photographer review schedules in the order of registrations. The earlier you register for the Portfolio Reviews the better the chance you will get your top selections.
  • Photographers will receive their Review schedule on Tuesday, September 27, 2016.
  • After the reviews are completed you will have the opportunity to network with all Reviewers that attend our private cocktail party.

APA members at the Leader, Professional or Associate level may register to attend this event. Not an APA member? To attend this event join APA at the Associate level or above.

To prepare for the Portfolio Reviews we have a Portfolio Development Workshop scheduled for Wednesday, September 21, 2016. The Workshop is lead by Beth Huerta from Candace Gelman & Associates. This is a free APA members only event.

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