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PhotoPlus Expo Official Portfolio Reviews Oct 24-27

Wed 24th Oct, 2018 – Sat 27th Oct, 2018

By APA Admin
APA Members receive a discount for the official Portfolio Reviews at PhotoPlus Expo produced by PSPF
•    7.5% discount on Portfolio Reviews. Sign up early to get your reviewer of choice

There is no substitute for face-to-face presentations.

Designed exclusively for emerging and professional photographers, attending this Portfolio Review program represents an incredible opportunity to obtain valued feedback and critiques from industry’s top professionals, as well as the possibility of new assignments and relationships.

Reasons Why You Need To Participate:

  •     You select and prioritize the reviewers you want to meet with! Choose from over 175 top industry pros from both the commercial and fine art realms of  contemporary photography.
  •      It is a cost effective way to show your work to museum curators, gallery directors, book publishersand others who you would not normally find accessible.
  •      You can learn how people perceive your work. Attending our Portfolio Review program represents an incredible opportunity to obtain valued feedback and   critiques as well as the possibility of new assignments and relationships
  •      Every registrant for the Official Portfolio Review program receives FREE admission to PhotoPlus Expo!

Sign on to APA to get the discount code and then Register

For further information, please contact Palm Springs Photo Festival at or 1-800-928-8314

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