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Dennis Dunbar: Retouching Secrets of the Pros

Sat 15th Nov, 2014 – 9:00am–12:00pm

By Staff in Los Angeles

© Gil Cope

In this workshop Dennis will delve into the photographer/retoucher relationship focusing on how they collaborate to produce the final images for their clients. Starting from the initial comps Dennis will discuss how he and the photographer identified the potential challenges and worked out a strategy for shooting the images needed to construct the final shots.

He'll share some real-world case studies and talk about the retouching process for those projects and how he and the photographer navigated changing parameters and needs requested by the client.

Along the way Dennis will also touch on the various techniques he used in the retouching process including masking, compositing, color correcting, adding shadows and finally color grading the final images.

Attendees should have an intermediate-level understanding of Photoshop in order to get the most out of this workshop!

Lunch is NOT included, though we will provide refreshments and snacks

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