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Rob Grimm at Apple Store

Tue 07th Apr, 2015 – 7:00pm–8:00pm

By Staff in Chicago

In this talk, Rob Grimm will discuss how to find your voice as a photographer and creative force. The world of commercial photography is a fiercely competitive market so defining your style is the key to giving yourself distinction from the crowd. Finding your voice is also the key to a successful and long career. Add to this notion that your voice is ever changing and developing. Rob will share images from his current portfolio as well as show images from years past, which may prove embarrassing, to show the evolution and change is his creative voice. Rob will talk about approaching clients and how to balance their needs with his creative visions. Part of the conversation will also center upon the world of digital photography and how it has changed the landscape of the business.


Rob Grimm is a commercial food and beverage photographer with 25 years of experience operating full service studios in Chicago and St. Louis. Running studios in both large and small commercial markets has given him a unique perspective on the business of commercial photography. Rob is known for producing striking and graphic images for clients all over the world. In recent years he has traveled extensively on the educational and lecture circuits sharing his trade secrets and wealth of knowledge. In 2014 Rob co-founded RGG EDU, a company that produces educational tutorials on all photography genres. After 25 years in the business, Rob still enjoys the challenges of being a working professional while sharing insights with future generations of photographers.

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