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Tom Maday at Apple Store

Mon 22nd Jun, 2015 – 7:00pm–8:00pm

By Staff in Chicago

© Tom Maday


All photographers at some point in their career will need to pack-up gear and shoot a client project on location. If you're not careful you'll find yourself at check-in with too many heavy cases being charged hefty excess baggage fees. Tom Maday has spent years shooting on location for brand name clients. During this time he has developed a nimble approach to location photography utilizing less gear and crew without sacrificing quality. This is your chance to learn a new approach to shooting on location from one of the masters.


Tom Maday has been shooting since the days of film, but has welcomed the arrival of digital cameras and equipment cases with wheels. He shoots for a wide range of commercial and editorial clients including Abbott, Sappi Paper, Northern Trust, Allen Edmonds, Vi Living, Motorola and TD Ameritrade. His Tri-X and T-Max pictures appear in the books Great Chicago Stories and After the Fall; Srebrenica Survivors in St. Louis.

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