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Crista Dix: wall space creative

Fri 29th Jun, 2018

By APA Admin in National

Aline Smithson - Geisha, from series Fugue State

Crista Dix is Founder and Director of wall space. 

She has been a reviewer at major portfolio reviews across the country and has served as a juror in the Fine Art / Personal category of the APA Awards.
Is there a particular style associated with Wall Space Creative?

wall space specializes in contemporary fine art photography with a focus on narrative and  object oriented prints. We look to use photography as an element of a larger creative vision. Representing artists using alternative process both analog and digital to create unique works of art, wall space seeks to expand the ideas of what photography is.

Do you prefer to reach out to photographers to represent them, or have them to reach out to you?

I am happy to look at photographers work via website, portfolio review or appointment. I often have my represented artists refer new artists to me, and I search for them through various means, as well as being approached at the gallery (by appointment!) and portfolio reviews across the country. 

How important to you is it that they have had previous gallery representation or experience in selling their work?

It is very important to me that an artist has a history. Through exhibitions, gallery representation or other means to show that they are committed to their practice as an artist.

What is the most common misconception from photographers about being represented (as art vs commercial)? 

That you can drop off a portfolio and wait for a check from sales. Working with a gallery is a collaboration. We work together to move your career forward. 

Carl Corey -  8922, Sault St. Marie, from series Americaville

When looking at a portfolio during a festival portfolio review, is there a preference on how the photographer should present the work to you?

I prefer to see presentation prints, not in sleeves or a binder. I judge the quality of work not only in content but presentation. I want to know an artist has control of their printing methods. 
Make the portfolio a size that fits the table we are talking on, so no larger than 20x24. That way we can look at prints, print order and feel like we aren’t crowding the table.

Is there a certain type of presentation that you feel doesn’t work at all?

Binders with shiny plastic is really problematic. 

What gets you excited when looking at new work? 

New ideas. Creativity. Well thought out narratives. Show me something I haven’t seen before or show me a new way to see something I have.

Crista W. Dix
wall space gallery

wall space is exploring and expanding the boundaries of photography.

The gallery opened in 2005 showcasing fine art photography as an element of a larger creative vision, featuring both analog and digital technologies. Our artists are craftsmen, creating narratives, telling stories and finding beauty both real and imagined.

Priya Kambli - Flower and Flour, from series Buttons for Eyes

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