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Jill Broussard


Jill Broussard was born in fog and grew up riding bikes and flying kites at Chrissy Field in San Francisco. A journalist by schooling, she didn’t pick up a camera until nearly 20. The quiet magic of the darkroom, fumbling in the closet with the metal spools, chemicals wafting, that soft red light, it was too much of a call to ignore.  

The magic of the darkroom gave way to computers eventually, and art led to a career in commercial photography in Dallas, where Jill made the jump to put roots down. She has photographed on sailboats, in beehives, and in remote jungle villages as well as people’s homes and their offices and places of leisure. When she’s not wearing the photographer’s many hats, she spends quite a bit of time working with the APA Diversity Committee on ways to create a more equitable future for all photographer – from championing representation by crew behind the lens, to encouraging the invitation of diverse talent, she strives to work with people who value a rich collective of people and ideas as a way to create the finest photography. 

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