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Code of Conduct

APA hosts a wide variety of in-person events, online events, and community spaces for its members and the photo community. APA is committed to providing welcoming and inclusive spaces that embrace different perspectives to nurture meaningful and productive conversations.

As a member of APA, you agree to act in a professional manner that is respectful of others. Any behavior deemed disruptive, inappropriate, or dangerous at any APA event may result in removal from the event and possible termination of your APA membership. Harassment or threats in any form will not be tolerated during or following any event or incident.

This policy extends to behavior by APA members, attendees, volunteers, speakers, reviewers, sponsors, and vendors. Anyone violating these standards jeopardizes their attendance and may be asked to leave. Individuals can be barred from attending APA events or speaking on APA online forums.


Interrupting, repeating a question multiple times, or escalating the tone of the conversation can be considered harassment. Also, repeatedly tagging or contacting individuals personally is considered harassment.

Other misconduct includes:

  1. Failing to respect the confidentiality of sensitive information obtained in the course of the member’s professional engagements, unless compelled by law to divulge the information.
  2. Making intentionally false communications, either written, spoken, or posted on any social media, that harms a member’s or the organization’s reputation.
  3. Stealing or misappropriation of any property (including digital) belonging to another member or the association. This includes all materials developed for or on behalf of APA without the express permission of the member, national association, and/or chapter.

Suspension or Termination of Membership: Failing to comply with this Agreement, the APA's Code of Ethics, APA’s Code of Conduct, or any of the APA's rules or policies, may result in suspension or termination of membership (without a refund). Process for suspension or termination is determined by the APA Board of Directors in its sole and absolute discretion.


The safety, well-being and professional reputations of our members and participants is of the utmost importance. If someone engages in behavior that is perceived to violate this Code of Conduct, witnesses are urged to address the situation. If a witness is not comfortable confronting the person directly or if the misconduct continues, they are urged to report the behavior.

A person’s concerns about possible violations of this Code of Conduct originating at the chapter should first be addressed at the chapter level and if no redress is received then concerns should be escalated to the APA National Executive Director or a member of the APA National Board of Directors.

A person’s concerns about possible violations of this Code of Conduct originating at or escalated to the National Board will be reviewed by the National Board. Alternatively, to facilitate reporting of suspected violations where the complainant wishes to remain anonymous, a written statement may be submitted.

Whether or not the complainant chooses to identify themself, we encourage them to provide APA with as much information as they can, sufficient to conduct a proper investigation, including where and when the incident occurred, names and titles of the individuals involved, including the names and titles of any witnesses, and as much other detail as they can provide.

While confidentiality will be respected to the extent possible, allegations of illegal behavior must be investigated and must be based on a written complaint. If a complainant is uncomfortable putting their report in writing, the person to whom they brought the allegations will create a written report and ask the complainant to review and correct it and then to approve the final version. Complainants should be assured that there will be no retaliation against them for making good-faith claims.


The Board of Directors will conduct an initial inquiry to gather any relevant information about the complaint to determine whether an investigation is necessary. All allegations of illegal behavior will be investigated. In all other cases, if the Board of Directors deems an investigation necessary, they will appoint a lead investigator. Persons not affiliated with APA, or not on the APA Board, may be asked to serve in this capacity. When appropriate members of the Diversity Committee will be included in the investigation. Lead investigators or their designees will interview complainants and review relevant documents and discuss with the National Board. If any charges were upheld, the Board of Directors will determine an appropriate action and/or sanction.


Sanctions shall be imposed based on credible evidence as determined by the APA National Board of Directors and the Review Committee in its sole and absolute discretion.

The decision made by APA Board as to whether an individual has violated this Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, or rules, and what, if any, sanctions to impose as a result, shall be final, and no party shall be entitled to any appeal.

In the event an individual is found to have violated this Code of Conduct, APA reserves the right, by way of example and without limitation, to give a confidential verbal warning and admonition to such person; to direct such person to leave a meeting or event or to cease engaging in APA-related online activities; to prohibit such person from attendance at one or more future meetings or participation in other certain programs or activities of APA, including volunteer board service; to revoke any payments for speaking engagements; to expel such person from APA; and to make such submissions to law enforcement authorities as may be appropriate and/or required in the circumstances.

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