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APA Webinars

Educational and Inspirational Webinars

Fri 15th Jan, 2021

By Creative Arc in Education

Each week APA presents educational and inspirational webinars, meetings, and open discussions.  
You can find these on our EVENTS page and be sure to sign up to receive our newsletters.

All recordings can be found on either our APA Youtube or Vimeo channel.  Not all events are recorded and some are for members only. 

APA Open Talk with Travis Keyes  

An ongoing series discussing the current state of photography in the age of COVID-19.

Preston Ehrler

Andy Katz

Stacey Pearsall 

Josh Katz

Pete Souza

Colby Brown Part 1

Colby Brown Part 2

Miguel Quiles | Part 1

Miguel Quiles | Part 2

Liam Sharp | Part 1

Liam Sharp | Part 2

Samantha Isom

A talk about the state of photography in the age of Covid-19

Part 1 | Benjamin Lowy and Marvi Lacar

Part 2 | Benjamin Lowy and Marvi Lacar

Neil Kremer & Cory Johnson

Annika Howe & Frank Meo

Gail Mooney and Esteban Toro

Susan Magnano & Clifford Pickett

Alex Garcia & Katrin Eismann

Robert Evans, BP Miller & Nader Khouri

Charles Chessler, Steve Giralt & John Engstrom

Heather Elder, Ramon Purcell, Tim Tadder, Jessica Foley & Paul Gero

Jessica Hirsch, Megan Allen and Kezi Ban

Tony Gale & Joe Pugliese

Episode 1 The Current State of Photography

APA Biz Talk

Social Media and Copyright with Attorney Stephen M. Doniger

Why Register Copyright Stephen Doniger and Jeff Sedlik discuss copyright

The Tough Conversation: Having a Plan B (C&D) for Your Next Photo Shoot moderated by Darcie Adler

Implementing Safety on Set

Experience and Perspectives: Oriana Koren, Keith Major, Lynsey Weatherspoon

Experience and Perspectives Continued

Production Safety and Insurance

Liability & Safety On Set

Safety On Set Continued - Susannah Robbins, Sean C. Rice, Chad Hoxie, Chad Hoxie

What Work Looks Like Now & in the Future

Stock Photography w/ Andy Anderson

Episode 1 - Applying for CARES Act Govt. Funding w/ Accountant Elizabeth Hanley

Episode 2 - CARES Act Continued w/ Out of the Box Productions

APA LA & AskSternRep: Navigating the Unknown

Scott Rickels and Mary Dail

Andrea Rosenfeld and Norman Brown

Amy V. Cooper and Julie Skarwecki

Amy V. Cooper and Julie Skarwecki

Kay Gautraud and MIchael Klein

Kaleb Kuhl and Luigi F. Rossi

Chris Burkard

Part 1 Mary Dail and Traci Terrick

Part 2 Mary Dail and Traci Terrick

Emily Hoskins and Jason Pierce

Clarissa Garrett and Sandra Sanchez

Jeremy Cowart

Nathan Monteith and Michael Kaminski

Michael Horta

Jim Purdum

APA In Conversation

A series featuring photographers sharing their work, stories about favorite images, personal projects, how they collaborate, and what inspires them.

Hugh Kretschmer

Markku Lahdesmaki

The Rhoads

Miranda Penn Turin

Bruce Talaman

Dan Winters

APA San Francisco SET (Second Experimental Tuesday)

The Black Lens Today  

Brand Development & Evolution

APA Scope: Diversity and Inclusion

APA Reflection and Action - A compelling conversation with Darnell Scott, Visual Brand Manager at Apostrophe and Martine Séverin, APA Chicago Board Member and Chair of the APA National Diversity Committee.

Episode 1: Focus on the BIPOC experience in the photo community. conversation Moderated by Martine Severin with guests Cassandra Plavoukos and Christopher Malcolm. ​

Episode 2: Focus on the LGBTQIA community. Moderated by Ken Clickenger and Edwin Vargas with panelists Ash Danielsen, Mariya Stangl, Nowen Cifuentes, Akshit Bhardwaj.

Episode 3: Focus on Asian inclusion in the photo industry with Photographer, Carmen Chan, Netflix Campaign Manager, Alex Kang, Photo Producer, Caroline Yi, Art Director Mike Nguyen and moderated by photographers, Diana King and Jessica Foley.

Episode 4: Focus on decolonizing and reimagining the photo industry. Moderated by Josué Rivas with guests Cinthya Santos-Briones, Cara Romero, and Oved Valadez.

Episode 5: Peer to Peer mentorship moderated by Oriana Koren with guests Rebecca Aranda and Danielle A. Scruggs.

Episode 6: Focus on groups elevating female-identifying professionals in the photography business. Moderated by Traci Terrick with panelists Keren Sachs and Polly Irungu.


Art of the Digital Portfolio, moderated by Travis Keyes and Wendy Fisk

The Art of the Digital Portfolio an online discussion on presenting your best self when your best self can't be there... These days, as photographers, our world is seemingly expanding and shrinking all at once and it can be challenging to make a focused statement with commercial photography. Things have shifted, personal meetings are rare, and connecting with prospective clients can be more challenging so we need to show our specialty work now more than ever. By tailoring our individual approach to a specific client, we can start the conversation quickly and help grab their attention. Photographers have a large digital toolbox that allows the ability to create laser-focused promotions and presentations to help capture the essence of our work and outline our specialties or concepts that may or may not be fully represented on our websites. Photographers should have a virtual portfolio handy or an e-book that best represents who they are and what they do.

First Impressions, moderated by Travis Keyes

Your website is the center of your brand - the public face of your business - so paying attention to your end user’s experience is imperative. As we all know: you never get a second chance to make a first impression. In this webinar, two creative buyers will walk through several photographer’s websites and give at-a-glance evaluations. They will discuss their first impressions including overall design, user interface, navigation, and responsiveness. They will offer their feedback and suggestions like do’s and don’t to benefit photographers when structuring or enhancing sites to optimize use, practicality, impact, and consistency.

Her Perspective

“Her Perspective” is a series of events providing community and collaboration between creatives and creators that identify as women. Our goal is to create a safe space where we can have candid conversations about relative topics, share personal experiences within the industry, and facilitate creative collaborations. This will be our first virtual event of this series. Our panelists will be sharing their experiences of being both a mom and a photographer, especially in a male-dominated industry, because we feel that this perspective isn’t discussed as much as it should be. Our goal is to highlight the challenges, joys, surprises, and any tips they’ve acquired on this journey. We typically have Her Perspective events face-to-face since we feel the networking aspect is really important and we always want to provide an opportunity for women to meet other women that they can potentially collaborate with. Since we are currently in quarantine, we’re instead offering the option for participants to input more information into this registration form. After the event, we will be sharing that sheet with all attendees so you have a list of people you can contact if you’d like to work together.

Know Your Business (APA members only) Log on to your APA account to access Vimeo links and passwords.

Introduction to a two hour deep dive through estimating and production processes with photographer Dana Hursey and producer Rebecca Schatten.

Lightroom Skills Challenge with the Lightroom Guy

A one hour webinar with Lightroom Guys as they demo two skills in Lightroom Classic. In this first session, we will learn how to: - Use the Compare tool and Before/After features - Use the local adjustment tools (Radial, Gradient, Brush) for burning/dodging. The Compare tool is a Library module feature that helps us choose our best/strongest work. In the Develop module, the Before/After tool helps us achieve our goals for how we want our photos to ultimately look. In the Develop module, the local adjustment tools can help us bring out details or enhance the look of a photo. These tools are powerful and easy to use, once you understand some techniques on how best to use them.

Lightroom Skills Challenge 2 with the Lightroom Guy

A one hour webinar with Lightroom Guys as they demo two skills in Lightroom Classic. In this second session, they will … - Demystify the process of keywording, including how to use the basic Keyword tools in the Library module, and demonstrate how to use Erase Brush as part of using the local adjustment tools. Keywording is one of those things that everyone seems to feel they should be doing more of, but most people don’t have a grasp of the basics! In this part of the webinar, we will demystify what you should be doing and how you should do it. Building on the previous webinar, in this session we will demonstrate how to use Erase Brush to further enhance using the local adjustment tools to select precise areas of a photo for adjustment.

Lightroom to Capture One Simplified, moderated by Travis Keyes

Knowledge Bank is an ongoing series that hyper focuses on a tech (hardware/software) issue with a round of Q/A following the talk. This week's webinar is hosted by Pauleth Ip, Reviews Editor for The Phoblographer and APA|NY board member. In this Knowledge Bank, Paul will break down the process of migrating from Lightroom to Capture One from start to finish. In addition, Paul will also: give a basic overview of the Capture One interface; highlight key benefits Capture One has over Lightroom; address possible issues that may arise during the migration process

Outside the Gallery System, with Deborah Gilbert

You want to sell your photographs to the public but can’t seem to get your foot in the door of the galleries; you wonder where do I go from here? What many artists and artisans have had success with is to bypass the middleman, entirely and market their work directly to the people on the art fair circuit. The advantages are numerous, unlike commercial jobs or gallery shows where you have to wait to be paid; With an art fair, you can make a picture today and sell it this weekend, cash in hand. It can be a great, extra revenue stream that you can partake in a much or as little as you like, but it can also have some pitfalls you would rather avoid.

Photographer and Rep, with Shelly Waldman, Traci Terrick, Travis Keyes, and Jeremy Lips

Photographer and Rep: The Synergy That Brings Them Together Is forming a partnership with a photo rep really as easy as photographers think it is? Join us while we separate the myths from the facts when it comes to finding, courting, and maintaining a partnership with a photo rep from 2 people who have joined forces within the last year. They will tell us how they found each other, how long it took to seal the deal, and what they are doing to keep make the partnership work.

Rock Paper Scissors: From Screen to Print, with Tony Morella

In this seminar, Tony Morella, owner and operator of Digital Editions Atelier, a fine art print studio, combines his photo history background with his 30 years of technical experience working for three major manufacturers of photographic papers and his past 10 years of experience printing for artists and photographers. He has created a presentation that explains what Art Papers are, their history of use for printing, and why you should use them in an age where everyone with a cell phone is a photographer. Included are the aesthetics of these art papers and how to get the most out of them while producing unique looks that will set your images apart in this competitive market place.

Shooting & Producing During a Pandemic, with Liz Von Hoene, Mark Hill, Darcie Adler, Amanda Bertany, Tim and Andrea Wedig, and Callie Householder

A virtual talk on shooting and producing in Georgia during Covid 19. On the panel will be several esteemed APA Atlanta members and board members sharing their recent on set experience. As Georgia continues to open up, we have begun to acclimate our productions to protocols and guidelines to ensure a safe set. Our panel will discuss how Covid 19 has impacted the Atlanta and Georgia market, what is working and what is not, and how we move forward. Our mission is to collaborate and share information to keep our industry here safe, sustainable, and successful for all of us. Stronger together!

Upping your Livestream Game, with Travis Keyes

Have you ever asked why does their Zoom or Livestream look so good? in this episode of Knowledge Bank "Upping Your Livestream Game" joins tech reviewer/photographer/APA board member Paul Ip and APA NY Chairman/photographer/video streaming content creator Travis Keyes as they discuss the gear you need to up your game. they will offer different budget options to improve the look and sound of your live stream.

Palm Springs Photo Festival 2021

Meet APA Board Members

Leaping to the next level - Jill Broussard, Weston Fuller

Wish I Knew Sooner - Brooke Hummer, Gary Allard and Mark Hill

Palm Springs Photo Festival 2020

Diversity & Inclusion Symposium 

Covid On Set Protocols

Meet APA Diversity Committee

Meet APA Board

Photographing High Profile Talent

APA World Photo Fest 2020

Passion to Profit

Fear to Flash

Ways to Market

Hollywood Glamour in the Hurrell Lighting Style

Street Photography - Unfiltered

Photo Competitions 

APA San Francisco Something Personal Exhibit

APA LA Off The Clock 2021 Meet The Curator - American Photographic Artists, Los Angeles (APA LA) is proud and honored to announce that Rebecca Morse , the influential Curator of The Wallis Annenberg Photography Department of The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) will be curating our 2021 Off The Clock.

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