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Support the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement

Stand up for artists’ rights! Ask Congress to Support H.R.3945

Sat 31st Mar, 2018

By APA Admin

Ask Congress to Support the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement

Stand up for artists’ rights! Ask Congress to Support H.R.3945

Visual artists are entitled to an effective avenue for enforcing their intellectual property rights. We are asking do your part in the fight for hundreds of thousands of visual artists and copyright holders across the nation and demand copyright protection.

Ask your Congressional representative to support H.R.3945 

On October 4, 2017, Representatives Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) and Tom Marino (R-PA), as well as Representatives Doug Collins (R-GA), Lamar Smith (R-TX), Judy Chu (D-CA), and Ted Lieu (D-CA) introduced H.R.3945, the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement (CASE) Act of 2017. 

The CASE Act seeks to establish a voluntary small claims board within the Copyright Office. Copyright holders could present claims with potential damages of $30,000 or less in a low-cost, simplified process. It will provide copyright owners with an alternative option to the expensive process of bringing infringement claims in federal court. 

In April, the House Judiciary Committee will likely consider and vote on the bill. 

Organizations representing individual creators and small businesses have voiced their support to legislators. Now Congressional representative nees to know that YOU support the bill. 

Please contact your representative - and if you have contacted them previously, please reach out again. Now is the time to remind them that the creative community needs their support. Your calls and letters make a difference. 

You can add you name here, pre-written to address your Congressional representative, view,  edit and hit send:

Thank you for your time & for standing up for artists’ rights!

Read more about the value of artists to the economy

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