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Robert A. Ripps

Pro Type: Photographer

I find the unexpected in the commonplace, creating humanistic images for clients that capture a personal moment in time, often with a degree of humor.

My last book of portraits, "SHE’S OUT THERE! The Next Generation of Presidential Candidates", was published in May, 2009 by LifeTime Media.

Previously a National Vice President of APA, I am also a member in good standing of ASMP & PLUS Coalition.

My work was recently featured in the American Photography 36 annual award book, as well as their Selected online archives 35, 37 & 38.

My most recent solo show of personal work, Negativityness Abounds, was at the Christine Frechard Gallery, in Pittsburgh, PA in 2021.


Corporate / Editorial / Fine Art / Kids / Lifestyle / Location / Photo Journalism / Portrait


New York

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