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Jamie Kingham Photographer/Director

Pro Type: Photographer

I'm a 20+ year veteran of the photography industry, but not old school and am constantly looking for ways to offer fresh, energetic imagery to my clients. I might be experimenting with a new lens, color grading or perhaps a new way of directing talent, whatever it is I'm always trying to move my vision forward.

I'm just as happy rolling around in cow dung at 4:30 AM shooting portraits for a pharmaceutical company as I am hanging from the back of a jet ski shooting action images for a beautiful seaside destination.

Some of my favorite clients: Google, Apple, Microsoft, Chase Bank, Travel Nevada, Discover Kalispell, Panama City Beach Tourism, Williamsburg Tourism, General Motors, Ford, KIA, UHS Healthcare, Hamilton Medical, New York Times, Wall Street Journal


Advertising / Lifestyle / Motion / Portrait



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