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Thomas Editions - Fine Art Printing (Giclée)

Pro Type: Work in Affiliated Field

I’m Von Thomas print master at Thomas Editions in Culver City (a minority owned boutique fine art print shop). I have been printing in Los Angeles since 2015, handling digital capture services for hundreds of photographers and artists in both Los Angeles & New York (DigitalTech NYC, since 2001), as well as being a commercial photographer and educator (ICP).

Thomas Editions offers a unique boutique printing service with one on one consultation, no-contact print orders, one client at a time appointments, and personal service not common in most labs.

Thomas Editions was recently inducted into the Canson Infinity Certified Print Lab family, and currently in the queue for its certification by Hahnemühle. We are a color managed shop, using calibrated Eizo monitors and calibrated and profiled Epson printers. We also create our own custom fine art paper profiles (in-house) using state of the art, Barbieri Spectro LFP measurement device.

Thomas Editions provide the following services:

Fine Art Printing (up to 64” wide)

Edition Printing

Drum Scanning (Negatives, transparencies, reflective to A4)

Reflective Artwork Scanning (color matching)

Photoshop Adjustments and Retouching

Custom Printer Paper Profiling Service (for those that print their own work)

Shipping (domestic and international)

We are a small boutique print lab, and can at times turn a job around in less than 2 days. We carry an extensive line of both Canson Infinity and Hahnemühle papers.

Please visit our website (, and see how we can service your needs for fine art giclée gallery prints.

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