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Greg Goyo Vargas

Pro Type: Photographer

As GoyoCorvair | Photography, I shoot mostly as a street photographer, integrating fine art and documentary genres in my images. My personal style is organic and fluid, capturing images that resonate with my creative subconscious in a personal process I describe as “What I Let You See.” Shooting in color and BW, digital and some film, I use natural light to create and enhance a mood I see in my mind. Capturing unique moments in time, I tell a story in a fraction of a second that would otherwise be missed, in an attempt to draw in the viewer’s curiosity and sense of wonder. When not shooting in a street style and shooting more commercially for clients, be it portraits, headshots, environmental, narrative, landscapes, automobiles, or events, I maintain that same photographic methodology and style to create images that are consistent with my photographic eye, sustaining a unique signature. I incorporate into my methods many years of professional and organizational talents in complimentary fields, working patiently and progressively to deliver a satisfying and impressive product.
Additionally, I am a founding partner of the Los Angeles Photo Department, a creative collaboration with Julie Crow, J. Crow Photography. As a team of photographers, we shoot a variety of special events, non-traditional weddings, lifestyle photographs, headshots, and family or individual fine art portraits. Great care is taken in making your photo shoot professional, fun, and comfortable. Together, we have combined talents to produce the most creative, stylistic, high quality images of your important moments.

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