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Eley Photo LLC

Specialty: Portrait

Chapter: Atlanta /
Pro Type: Photographer

Welcome to Eley Photo! You may know me as Stephanie, the lead creative behind the lens, or simply by my artist name “Eley.” I identify as female. She (her), African American, 6’ tall with a bold laugh and an empathic soul.

My style of photography depicts the magnificence that exists in everyone’s lives. This work presents the boldness, the expressiveness, and the raw identity of each life captured. A staple of my work is the content I create about humanity by bringing awareness to socio-political issues within our community. I am invested in creating visual platforms to nurture conversations about subcultures including the visually impaired, African-American's, and women’s rights.

When you're working with me, be prepared for hands-on creative! I’m passionate, methodical, and pay attention to detail. I care about the end product and the experience connected to executing a creative project. From the mood boards to the post-production, sign me up!