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Heather Walsh Photography, Inc.

Pro Type: Photographer

Heather Walsh, a New York-based documentary and portrait photographer, creates images that are genuine and intimate statements about the people and places she photographs. With respect, sensitivity, and empathy she connects with her subjects capturing authentic emotions about our shared humanity.

Driven by storytelling, Walsh is particularly interested in cause-related projects that merge photojournalism and portraiture. Accredited with sensitivity training, enabling her to meet the unique challenges of photographing seriously ill and special needs individuals. Fascinated by people’s interactions and emotions her photographs convey a point of view that is believable and authentic.

Walsh is a regular contributor to The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal; partial client list includes Newsday, Forbes Life, and Consumer Reports Magazines, producer of SalaamGarage: Local NYC Aging Out of Foster Care Project. Her photography showcased in prominent locations such as the National Arts Club and Lincoln Center.


Editorial / Photo Journalism / Portrait / Youth Culture


New York

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