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Milton Reeder

Milt has been making images for over 45 years. He makes a living working in business, but fine art photography has always been a strong passion.

People like to pigeon-hole artists into genres, like "landscape photographer" or "portrait photographer" but Milt shoots many different subjects with equal verocity. In the early 1980's he studied with a few of the great black & white landscape masters including Ansel Adams, Bob Byers, John Sexton and Alan Ross. In 2004, Milt converted to digital photography with the help of Bob Cornelis and Bill Atkinson.

Milt manages images towards the fine art print, not the web, so images viewed here are only approximations of the final print.

Projects include images of Cuba, 2004 and fine art nudes done over the past 10 years. Current projects include a collaboration with Jay Tyrrell on images of Pt. Reyes National Seashore and skyline images of San Francisco.




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