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Rachel Linkwald

Pro Type: Photographer

Rachel Linkwald creates memorable commercial photography: selling you, your business, and your personality with style.

In 2004, Rachel was working as an actor and puppeteer when she had a gap between shows and was thrust into the world of photography. As she explored photography more, she was enamored with all the layers that come together to create a compelling image: from getting to know the client so that she can truly tell their story, to the technical worlds of lighting and editing.

While her kids, 12 and 9, don’t know much of her life onstage, she keeps the arts vibrant and relevant in her home.

Rachel works primarily from her hometown of Atlanta, but has had the pleasure of hopping a plane or two to capture some pretty fantastic moments.

(Shayna Image creates lasting artwork for families: everything from photoshoot and custom editing to gallery design and installation.)

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