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Allan Mestel Photography

Pro Type: Photographer

Allan Mestel is a Sarasota based photographer and photojournalist specializing in documentary photography of human rights and social justice issues. His work has been recognized worldwide and he has exhibited across the US and Europe. His work documenting migrants at the US-Mexico border was featured in the Human Rights Art Exhibition in California. Closer to home, his Streets of Paradise project capturing humanizing images of the homeless throughout the Tampa Bay region led to the founding of a non-profit that assists in rehousing efforts in Sarasota. He recently won the 2024 Unity Award from Sarasota Magazine awarded annually to a select group of individuals recognized for their efforts in bridging divides in the community. His most recent project, Portrait Ukraine, documents the resilience and courage of the Ukrainian People from the beginning of the invasion until the present moment. He has travelled thousands of miles during his three missions to the country and came under Russian shellfire on the front lines near Bahkmut on his most recent trip.


Advertising / Corporate / Editorial / Fashion/Beauty / Photo Journalism / Portrait



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