American Photographic Artists National
Upcoming / Past / All
In-Person at Soho Photo Gallery
with Brett Hess of BMC
Photographer Dan Marcolina teaches us how to create with Artificial Intelligence tools while retaining personal influence and ownership over the final work.
With photographer Matthew Jordan Smith
This webinar offers important information and skills to help you grow your photography business
with Kristina Feliciano
Celebrity, portrait & advertising photographer
Copyright Claims Board vs. Federal Court
Conversation with the creator and graduates of AMP
May SET: Gear Swap & Sale!
Valuable insight into the editing process
Natasha Egan has curated 47 images from 42 photographers for our one-night exhibition on Friday, April 28, 2023, at Fulton Street Collective.
Travel, editorial, commercial photographer virtual presentation
the creative potential of low-fi cameras
From best practices in metadata and file naming to AI tagging, workflows, storage and rights management
In-person at Dish Studios LA
Present and discuss your personal work
Celebrity, portrait, and advertising photographer
Zoom meeting with James Silverberg
Come grab a cup-o-joe (or tea)
A candid conversation with Industry Experts
April topic: AI
Storytelling for Social with Jettison
New monthly virtual event
Includes chapter events, photographer interviews, partner discounts, industry trends, and more.