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Sam Kittner Photographer

Pro Type: Photographer

Sam Kittner’s photography connects people with places, showing activated spaces and helping define their stories. Kittner captures the authentic elements of a neighborhood, a building, or a person that make each unique, appealing, and approachable (even when wearing a protective mask).

With roots in photojournalism and documentary photography, Kittner has been based in the Washington, DC area for over thirty years. Building on extensive experience photographing for major media publications, corporate communications, and public institutions, Kittner is known in the architecture, design, and urban development community as one of its leading visual storytellers.

In addition to photographing people, Kittner’s multiexposure panoramas of cityscapes have garnered widespread recognition. His primary work for the past decade has been documenting urban development and the placemaking attributes of evolving neighborhoods, along with architectural photography of education and public-gathering facilities. Kittner’s images tell powerful narratives of the human experience within the built environment.

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