American Photographic Artists National
One of the principal functions of APA is to serve as a larger entity that can represent its members' interests regarding the significant issues that affect them and their industry.
APA merges the interest of its members with other trade organizations to combine their lobbying efforts in Washington, DC, making sure professional photographers' voices are heard on the national stage on legal issues that matter to them.
Now accepting donations
Each image in group registration will be protected as if it were registered separately
Ask Your Representative to Cosponsor The Bill That Helps Individual Creators
Op-Ed by Keith Kupferschmid, CEO, Copyright Alliance
In support of Bill # H.R. 3945
APA signs letter requesting meaningful copyright protections and effective enforcement.
The Visual Associations Meet With Lawmakers, July 2017
Creators and Innovators Support "The Register of Copyrights Selections and Accountability Act of 2017"
The Register must have the autonomy necessary to modernize the Copyright Office and to continue its vital advisory role to Congress.
The Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability Act will elevate the Register of Copyrights to Presidential Appointee
Help to answer 3 questions. We will even provide you the answers.
The Copyright Office is Conducting a Review of Copyright Registration Requirements.
Visual art associations met with the Copyright Office and members of Congress on issues concerning copyright.
He serves on behalf of American Photographic Artists (APA)
Seven visual arts associations release proposal to Congress for copyright small claims legislation.
APA’s advocacy team has been working behind the scenes to effect positive change in our industry.
The Copyright Office released a report on Mass Digitization and Orphan Works - pilot program proposed.
Includes chapter events, photographer interviews, partner discounts, industry trends, and more.