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APA Soho Week

Tue 06th Dec, 2022 – Sun 11th Dec, 2022

By APA Admin

All events are free and take place at the Soho Gallery, 15 White St, New York, NY 10013

Images from upper left to bottom right: Robert Atkinson, Christopher Malcolm, Charles Grauke, Chris Sorensen, Stephen Voss, Jonathan Atkin, Diana Feil

Join us for six days of photography events and an incredible juried exhibition of APA members from across the country as we celebrate APA New York’s Soho Week. All events are free and open to the public at the legendary Soho Photography Gallery.

Tuesday, December 6

Opening Night Reception 

6:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Come to the Opening Night Reception to see the stunning photography in an exhibition juried by Elizabeth Avedon. Be sure to check out the Chairman’s Choice show hanging in the upstairs gallery. Both shows are on display from December 6 through December 11.

Wednesday, December 7

Legal Update for Photographers: Jeff Sedlik and Stephen M. Doniger, Esq.

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Learn how the Copyright Claims Board (CCB), now available to artists for filing small claims, is working. Hear the latest on Warhol vs Goldsmith. Our speakers wrote briefs that were presented to the Supreme Court.

Stephen Wilkes: Evolution, A Life in Photography

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Renowned photographer Stephen Wilkes will share how he's been able to work across various fields commercially, all while creating time for his personal growth as a fine artist.

Thursday, December 8

Growing Your Career and Creativity with Personal Projects with Chris Sorensen

10:30 am – 12:00 pm

In this seminar, award-winning celebrity and editorial photographer Chris Sorensen will talk about how he has used personal projects to build his career and refine his creative process.

Career Development & Networking Day

APA Open House

12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Socialize with APA board members and partners. Ask questions about marketing, copyright, or the best place to get gear. This event is a meetup for peers and photo professionals to network and talk shop.

Working with a Photo Agent

Moderated by Juliette Wolf-Robin, APA National Executive Director

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

What is the role of a photo rep/agent? When do you need a rep? How do you find a rep? In this panel discussion, three top artist reps will discuss this and more.

The reps participating are: 

Stacy Fischer, Director of Events, Owner of Exposure NY
Pat Bates, Director of Programming, Owner, Pat Bates & Associates
Gregg Lhotsky, Director at Large, Global Managing Director, B&A

APA National Board Members Tell Tales

4:30 pm – 5:30 pm

Dana Hursey, Inti St Clair, and Jill Broussard talk about the state of the industry, what they've learned from being on the APA Board, thoughts on community building, and where they see APA's future.

Trends in Commercial Photography

6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

A panel of five art producers, photo editors, and creatives will discuss one of the great mysteries – the who, why, and how of getting the job! They'll talk about hiring trends, what makes a photographer's presentation stand out, and how photographers are picked.

Get the inside scoop from these esteemed industry decision makers:

  • Kaia Hemming – Director of Art Production Y&R
  • Jillian Sellers – Hearst Visual Editor
  • Tania Pirozzi – Freelance Producer -W+K
  • Renne Jung – Area 23 - Producer
  • Luis Aguilera- TBWA – Creative Director
  • Lisa Oropallo – Havas, Art Buying Manager

Friday, December 9

Street Photography: The Evolving Eye with Phil Penman

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Legendary street photographer Phil Penman explains how he has kept his photographic eye constantly searching for fresh ideas.

Saturday, December 10

Running a Successful Kickstarter Campaign to Fund Your Creative Project with Erica Reade

10:30 am – 12 pm

Join photographer Erica Reade in an informative and interactive workshop about how she raised enough money on Kickstarter to fund her first photo book.

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